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πρόσθετη τεκμηρίωση
Bill Fulford Oxford Handbook of Philosophy and Psychiatry
Πρόσθετη τεκμηρίωση | 09-03-2015 19:16Professor Bill Fulford, lead editor of the Oxford Handbook of Philosophy and Psychiatry talks about how he got into the field of philosophy as a psychiatrist and how the two fields joined up to become an important area of study in its own right. http://oxford.ly/1bBe4IG
Professor Bill Fulford is a Fellow of St Catherine's College and Member of the Philosophy Faculty in the University of Oxford and Emeritus Professor of Philosophy and Mental Health at the University of Warwick. He is lead editor of the The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy and Psychiatry, series editor of the OUP book series International Perspectives in Philosophy and Psychiatry, and co-editor of the journal Philosophy, Psychiatry, & Psychology.
